The FLOW Aquatics Swim Team is designed to be a “pre-team” program. For children who have developed an interest in competitive swimming or just swimming for exercise, the Swim Team provides an opportunity to learn training and racing techniques. The goal is to increase fitness and endurance levels while still focusing on maintaining stroke technique.
Workouts contain stroke development drills, sprinting and racing, interval training, endurance sets, and instruction in swim team terminology and technique.
During this pandemic and until further notice, we are currently operating under different class sizes and durations.
Please see: Navigating the Waters for more information.
Ages: Any child who has passed out of our Stroke School program
Class Size:
Class Length:
Price: $135 per month
Times/Days of the Week: Due to pool availability, Swim Team classes run after 7pm on Mondays or Wednesdays. The program is built for 1 lesson a week, not multiple days.
Ready to Enroll in Year Round lessons?
Please click here to begin the Enrollment process: Year Round Classes
Ready to Enroll in Summer lessons?
Please click here to begin the Enrollment process: Summer Intensives
If you have questions, please Contact Us.