

The purpose of the FLOW Aquatics Diaper Dolphin course is to develop in very young children (6 months to 36 months) a high comfort level in the water—while at the same time educating parents about water safety and drowning prevention. This course does not teach children to become accomplished swimmers or survive in the water at this age; however, it does provide a confidence-building, fun, loving experience as a foundation for a lifetime of aquatic learning.

If children have started early enough and are consistent with their lessons, when they graduate our Diaper Dolphin program they should be comfortable going under water for 5 seconds or more and will have been introduced to back floats and rollovers.

Comfort in the water comes from trust, experience, and loving encouragement. It is important for children to become comfortable in the water to create excitement and willingness to learn and participate. Children can begin to become comfortable in the water as early as six months of age. The earlier this process begins, the more readily a child will accept the water.

Ages: 6 months - 35 months

Class Size: up to 6 babies (with adults) per class

Class Length: 30 minutes per class

Price: $69 per month

Cloth reusable swim diapers are REQUIRED. They are for sale at the pool.


  • Learning to swim is a life skill – one that just may save your child’s life.

Drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional injury-related death for children ages 1-14 (Source: CDC). Research shows that participation in formal swimming lessons can reduce the risk of drowning by 88 percent among children aged one to four years. (Source: Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine 2009). Teaching children to swim is a vital skill for drowning prevention.

  • It Boosts Development of the Whole Child

What parent wouldn’t want their child/children to have accelerated development physically, intellectually, and emotionally. For children swimming consistently from infancy, scientific studies have found that these “swim kids” were significantly stronger and more coordinated than non-swimming kids. They scored higher for intelligence and problem solving. Emotionally, swim kids were found to be more self-disciplined, displayed greater self-control and showed increased desire to succeed. Swim kids also rated higher in self-esteem and were discovered to be more independent and comfortable in social situations than the control groups. (Source: Scientific Benefits of Baby Swim Lessons 2012).

  • Creates a strong parent-child bond.

There is nothing like the sensation of water on the skin to enhance connection and building trust with your child. When started as infants in formal swim lessons, this bond is even stronger as parents are taught how to incorporate fun and games, as well as life saving skills, into the family swimming experience.

Ready to Enroll in Year Round lessons?

Please click here to begin the Enrollment process: Year Round Classes

Ready to Enroll in Summer lessons?

Please click here to begin the Enrollment process: Summer Intensives

At any time, if you have questions, please Contact Us.

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